Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Find your celebrity look-alike

The site is kind of slow and weird to navigate... and I have serious doubts about the quality of their face-matching algorithm (cf above, where I am mainly matched up to chicks and Clay Aiken, with nary a Tim Curry to be found in all the land), but still a fun idea.


ericat13 said...

mariah carey *and* the guy from backstreet boys? you're in good company, dude.

I'll try mine later, but I suspect the whole thing has to do with the angle of the photo more than the actual facial composition. hm. we'll see...

^kat^ said...

yeah, seriously--I think my favorite is Clay Aiken, though. I'll do it later... I've got one more interview today (but I've received *two* more callbacks in the last two hours--aiieeee! I'm overwhelmed with job possibilities!), and I'll be a little jittery until it's over with.