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it's oh so quiet
so I was trying to find ways to waste time so I could look up at 4:30 and say, "hey! it's time to leave for st. patrick's day festivities!" and I decided to see when exactly we started this blog. for the record, our blogiversary is april 23 (mark your calendars!), and for an additional part of the record, we were WAY more prolific in our early days. what happened? not much has changed since last april -- we're all still students, and matt may have some qualifying thingy to worry about this year, but he didn't let something small like a neuroanatomy final get in the way of his blogging last spring so I see no reason to cut him some slack now. I will do whatever it takes to restore our early levels of irreverance and lively debate, but I need your help!
here's your first topic. wedding cake festooned with twinkies: awesome or hideous?
I am way on the side of awesome: chocolate frosting (hopefully surrounding chocolate cake) -- good! happy little decorations which will probably last longer than the marriage -- even better! what do you guys think?
I concur re: the awesomeness of the Twinkie cake. Although I am not sure how I feel about the filename "twinktastic.png"
I take no responsibility for the filename -- that's how it came from the website -- but I think it's also awesome.
yay for blogging again!
DUDE, I'm in EGYPT. Cut me some slack.
Also, I'm a little horrified at the cake. But seeing as how the slow service at lunch cheated me out of my dessert (om aly, an egyptian bread pudding-like thing), I'm perhaps feeling more charitable than I would otherwise.
I promise to post some (lots of?) minutiae when I return, kids. It's off to Maadi now to find an ex-pat bar that serves something besides the local, nationalized beer (not horrible, but after two weeks, I really could use something... else).
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