Sunday, June 10, 2007 short videos

These are all videos that I took by accident, but I think they have a certain charm. Picasa doesn't do them justice, so here are the full versions:

There is something oddly hypnotic about setting Windows Media Player (or whatever) to loop the video when it's played and watching it over and over again. Sort of like

In related news, who is going to create the first "lolkat" out of this picture?

Finally: Harry Potter gossip. Warning: possible spoiler for the whole series if it is real. But it is quite possible that it is not. Someone claims to have posted a page from the last book here:

I won't even tell you what it claims, in case you don't want to look. I myself suspect it is fake.

PS: Congrats to Dani for surviving today!


ericat13 said...

ha! the second one quite nicely captures kat's vexation.

re: HP spoiler, if it's real I'm not surprised, but so many people want it to happen (judging by the blog world, anyway) that it could very easily be fake.

re: dani living -- YAAAAAAAAAAY

Anonymous said...

I think it's a fake too. Mostly because the harry potter pages are wider than the one posted here. Not that it's shrunk but that there's more text per line--don't you think?

I survived I survived! And am still not dying! Yippy!