Saturday, September 01, 2007

hopeful rembrandt vindication

BTW, before I jump in -- Erica, did you mean Toad the Wet Sprocket for the one-hit wonder award, or the belongs-in-the-pile-of-shame-inducing-albums award? I certainly HOPE it's not the latter... and if you meant the former, they totally had at least two songs ("Walk on the Ocean" and "All I Want"... and I seem to remember "Good Intentions" getting a fair bit of airplay, although Wikipedia claims it didn't chart very well...).

Anyway, here are some Rembrandt trackses for your enjoyment. Blah blah blah fair use, blah blah blah I'll take them down if anyone complains... but seriously, the guys can probably use the publicity. I'm also assuming there will not suddenly be a rash of piracy of a 2001 album that no one's ever heard of.

Links to some favorites:

Track 01: Lost Together
Track 02: St Paul
Track 10: Big Plans

If they are interested, the truly clever amongst us may be able to discern from these links where the rest of the album might be found (coughhintcough), but I shall say no more.

The only other thing I'll say about this band is I think they do the two-man John/Paul type harmony thing quite well... how come nobody does that anymore?


Anonymous said...

typical of me: i thought this post was going to be about the artist! i bet you all guessed i would think that, didn't you?

ericat13 said...

oh, I was definitely putting them in the one-hit-wonder category -- while I'll give them "walk on the ocean," it really takes a third hit (or better, a hit or two off the second major album) to have any sort of longevity.

that said, I'm enjoying what I've heard so far and have used my staggering powers of deduction to locate the rest of the album. I will be downloading it to my zune soon, neener neener.

^kat^ said...

I would also like to add that Toad the Wet Sprocket had a hit with "Fall Down," which puts them well into the two- or three-hit-wonder category, not the one-hit wonder pile into which Erica so uncharitably tossed them.

Also, I think they might have played Lincoln Park Zoo this summer whilst I was in NYC. Or was that the Gin Blossoms?

Anyway, I shall listen to these Rembrandts songs and report back when I don't have school tomorrow and luggage to unpack, etc etc.