Monday, May 29, 2006

It's a good year to go to CEDARPOINT OMG!!!!!!

Whaddaya know... the one time in months that I actually read the news out of sheer boredom, there's something relevant in there for us!


Some Guy said...

Sorry, no actual link today... I was lazy.

^kat^ said...

More importantly--the Cedar Point complex has purchased Kings Island from Paramount! whoa! Here's to hoping more *actual* rollercoasters and fewer "theme rides" in southwestern Ohio...

also--do you guys want to do two days at Cedar Point? With the price drop, it seems feasible, and lemme tell ya--there's not much else to do in Sandusky, but there are *plenty* of fun rollercoasters (and cotton candy for only a quarter)...

Some Guy said...

1) Two days sounds reasonable to me if others want to do that. I was already having trouble remembering whether we'd done one day or two at HERSHEYPARK!!! but I guess that was just one.

2) Holy Toledo (that's funny because it's near-ish Toledo), that article was full of interesting information that I did not know about. These include, in an order uncorrelated with importance:

3) Six Flags is justifying its price increase with the promise of more Looney Tunes characters roaming the midway?! Gimme a break. That is crap.

4) Cedar Point is near Detroit? Who knew? Not me! Apparently, it is a mere 2 hours (and 8 minutes, saith le Maps de Google) away. This led me to discover that

5) it is also only 3 hours and 34 minutes away from my relatives in Saginaw, MI! Again, who knew? Unfortunately,

6) it is 4 hours and 55 minutes from my grandparents in Prudenville, MI, who are the ones that would really wine and dine us if we were to swing up that way.*

7) Anyway, back to CNN. In addition to Kings Island, the owners of CEDARPOINT OMG!!!! have also purchased

7a) Kings Dominion, aka the amusement park of my early EARLY childhood (sub-2.5 years old), which I think used to be an independent park but apparently got eaten up by Paramount, not to mention

7b) Carowinds, the amusement park of my later childhood and adolescence! I might mention that both 7a (to the best of my dim recollection) and 7b are excellent theme parks in their own right and should be a proud addition to the CEDARPOINT OMG!!!! family.

I think that is all for now.

* Oh, wait, here is a late addition which we will call 8). 8) Apparently CEDARPOINT OMG!!! is also 3 hours and 57 minutes away from my ridiculously religious Aunt Janice, who I am sure would provide endless hours of amusement and/or frustration to any Religious Studies majors or div school graduates in our audience.

^kat^ said...

Cedar Point is also about three and a half hours away from my PARENTS, random aunts Janice notwithstanding. On a related note, mom has offered to pick up tickets for us at Wright-Patt AFB because they're apparantly even cheaper (!) than the already low, low price of $39.95 that the general public enjoys. So, once our plans are more firm, lemme know and she'll hook us up.