Thursday, November 22, 2007

Attention all UHF Fans

I just wanted you all to know that I have crossed an item off my life's to-do list: I have just consumed my first Twinkie Wiener Sandwich (and, actually, my second as well), replete with hot dog, Twinkie, and spray cheese.

Review: OK. Not great, but not terrible. The tastes don't really mesh, so they're just kind of rolling around in your mouth together. And the Twinkie taste kind of dominates... I used more spray cheese in the second one to try to counteract this, but the Twinkie was still by far the most powerful taste. Really interesting texture though. Overall, I have no regrets, although I'll probably be eating the rest of the ingredients separately, since I think in this case I'd prefer each of the parts to the combination of all three.

Just thought you all should know... and for Dani... you know, it's just too much to explain. Chalk it up to one of those wacky pop culture references the others of us all know for no particularly good reason, and my propensity to abuse my digestive system.

PS, I tried to get an image of a Twinkie Wiener Sandwich to accompany this post, but Google Image Search failed me... sigh.


Anonymous said...

AAAH! So of course I read this and went, "Huh?" Ah, I love this world in which all these new references just appear that others of you have known forever. It's like there's always room for discovery of new things :)

But let me just put my two cents in to say that that sounds gross! I mean, why debase the perfect food, known as the Twinkie, with anything (to which I can hear Matt saying, "You like Twinkies? God, I don't get that girl...."

ericat13 said...

...and you didn't take a picture of the sandwiches you made *why*? I'm gonna need proof that this actually happened...

^kat^ said...

I am both shocked and not at all surprised that you tried this. good god. Next, will you be licking turtles and sticking them to the ceiling?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Erica--where are the photos? Clearly, you're going to have to eat this again!

Some Guy said...

Seriously... why would I lie about this? I mean, if someone wants to buy more spray cheese and Twinkies (I finished off the former last night with some Ritz crackers, and I actually *just* ate the last Twinkie a few minutes ago), I'd be happy to reprise the act... but I think it's pretty easy to imagine in your head, too.