Thursday, December 13, 2007

yeah, yeah...

... the Yale Record may be chock full o' douchebags, but at least they are douchebags that are sanctioned by the Establishment... I don't think any administrator will be allowing Rumpus to co-host any Master's Teas anytime soon.

At any rate, I did in fact go to said JoCo seminar and I did quite enjoy it, even though I felt a little pervy being (I assume) the only grad student there and not really having any idea who any of the young'uns around me were. No giant revelations or anything, but it was pretty cool to have a semi-private (audience of maybe 30-40) concert. I did have to step out and miss a few minutes because a certain someone -- we'll just call her Tanielle Dumminio -- called me on the phone approximately 5 times in quick succession and I wanted to make sure no one was dying or anything, but the rest of it was quite nice.

In other Rump-related news, I just received this link from one Jared LeBoff on the newly-invented Rump Alums' email list:

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