Monday, June 26, 2006

omg don't let it be neville or ginny...

JKR is a cruel person. Don't taunt us like this! askdfghlkjsfl;prhjtbbth


ericat13 said...

oh, crap. she doesn't even promise that harry lives -- she said she'd never felt the urge to kill him off before the *end* of book seven, so for all we know he kicks the proverbial bucket on the last page. and two people die who she didn't *intend* to die -- maybe there were, like, ten people who she *meant* to kill! ARGHH. okay. let's see. snape basically HAS to die -- either as a truly bad guy or the self-sacrificing hero who was good all along -- and since ms. rowling is getting so ruthless with the killings, my money's on either ron or hermione to get the axe, and I kind of doubt she'd kill off the strongest female character so maybe ron gets it, and I LOVE ron! that would be so sad. but who else...hagrid, probably? any other guesses? should we place bets? when does #7 come out, anyway?

^kat^ said...

yeah, you're dead-on (har) about Snape; he might've been killing Dumbledore for the greater good, but D's still dead, and we love D, ergo Snape must die. I, too, have a soft spot in my heart for Ron, but I agree that he's a likely target. JKR thinks of herself as Hermione (I think I read that somewhere), so I doubt she'd kill her. ARGH. Book 7 next summer? I hope I hope I hope? Except I kinda don't hope, because then there won't be any more HP, and that will be sad, indeed...