Monday, January 15, 2007

I'd just like to note...

... that TV on DVD is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever. Damn you, Season 2 of Scrubs, for eating my entire Sunday! Why must you be so deliciously entertaining???

In other news, I have purchased a home version of Dance Dance Revolution on the Intarwebs... so when it arrives, you are all welcome to come over and try it out.


Anonymous said...


...that is, yes, I would enjoy a round of that highly entertaining game.

also, if you want to talk "horrible but awesome ways to spend a weekend," I call as evidence the fact that in the past two days I have watched all of season 2 and most of season 3 of "the office," thanks to The Most Dangerous Website Ever, which ^k^ so kindly posted on her other blog a few weeks back. thanks, kat :-P

Anonymous said...

you're welcome, Erica! :D I'm also pleased to note that all of season 5 of 24 is up, as are the new eps of the current season, so if I want to get caught up, I can. Hmm. I keep feeling like I need to watch all this tv NOW because the other shoe is gonna drop on this website and it'll shut down or something. I can't tell you how sad I'd be if it went away.

Also, Matt, I'm only playing DDR if I can redeem my winnings for plastic toys. Do you have a selection of finger puppets? How about kazoos?