Wednesday, April 26, 2006

entertain me, damnit!

hey! hey, you! yeah, you! why aren't you blogging? I have to actually STUDY, for crying out loud! Matt, how was Ben Folds? Dani, how'd the paper turn out? Erica, how many tampons did you donate today? I'm returning to my practice test now, but I am *not* happy about it... *taps foot and twiddles thumbs*


ericat13 said...

I just got home and am heading to bed soon, but I donated one whole box of feminine products and am looking forward to thursdayeeeeeeee. okaybye --
erica, exhausted

Some Guy said...

Ben Folds was... OK. By which I mean that he was fine, but the sound system sucked. I don't know what was wrong because they managed to fix it in time for Ludacris, who didn't really need it. But Ben Folds... when you're a relatively unassuming white guy who sits down at a piano for your whole show, you kind of need a bitchin' volume level to keep the crowd paying attention. Ah well... it was still fun to go.