Friday, May 26, 2006


Yuck! Icky Helena Bonham Carter!

For the record, I do not think it is appropriate for people who have had affairs with sleezy men married to perfectly charming and fantastic women to become idols of little children. This is why society is going down the sewage pipes. Did I spell sewage right? Thank goodness she is at least playing a mean character. I bet she will look spooky with the blonde hair. And is Bellatrix good or evil? Or is she like one of those intriguing unclear types? I vote evil! Bellatrix had better not save the day! However, I still think they should have just changed the filming schedule. Bizarre!

In the meantime....hello! Where is Hugh Grant in the Harry Potter films? I feel as if he is the one great British actor (I can hear Matt saying, "Except for Elizabeth Hurley") not to be included and on his behalf, I am offended. Hugh needs to make an appearance. Maybe Hugh should play Bellatrix!

Kat: Did you listen to NPR this morning? That's how I heard that icky Helena Bonham Carter was turning 40.

1 comment:

^kat^ said...

Bellatrix = evil--she's the one who forces Sirius through the veil in the creepy room. She's his cousin, somehow, and also related to Narcissa. She will most assuredly NOT save the day.

I feel like if they hadn't secured Kenneth Branagh for Gilderoy Lockhart, Hugh Grant might've done well in that role. Otherwise, I don't know what other roles there might be left for him... someone in the Ministry of Magic, perhaps? Or a Death Eater--but I feel like he's viewed as too wholesome for such a nasty part.

And no, I missed NPR--I just checked her IMDB bio, and in the forums at the bottom of the page, someone had written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HELENA!" So I scrolled back up, and sure enough, it's her birthday. I hope she chokes on her cake. Not dies, mind you--just chokes a little. Put a bit of the fear of god in her. Heh heh.